Something a lot of people don’t give much thought to is protecting your electronic devices – TV’s, Computers, Printers, Fridges, etc. from power supply issues.
Any time there is power surges, blackouts or brown outs, your equipment is at risk of being permanently damaged. In most cases this will leave you out of pocket to arrange a repair or replacement of the device.
Equipment with batteries in them (laptops, smartphones) tend to be less prone to damage as the battery smooths out the fluctuations – although a serious surge could still damage them, but everything else is very much at risk from even minor surges.
We run a mixture of UPS units and Surge Protectors ourselves and via the UPS units noticed over the last 12 - 18 months that the power in our region has become increasingly unstable at the best of times. We have also heard from several people that have lost computers, fridges, air conditioner units and more due to surges in recent months.
There are two solutions to help protect your equipment. Surge Protectors and UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) units.
Surge protectors do as the name suggests – they protect against power surges that can damage equipment but won’t protect against a blackout. In a lot of cases however, this is sufficient protection for your equipment.
UPS units include batteries to provide protection against power surges and voltage changes, along with keeping equipment running for a period during blackouts. They are the best form of protection for your computers and any other equipment you may want to keep running in a blackout can have. The size of the UPS and the amount of power the equipment attached draws, will impact on how long it can run on battery in an outage, so be aware of this when choosing the size of the unit, and be careful not to get one that is too undersized otherwise it’s just an expensive surge protector.
In terms of what to buy, look for reputable brands, or ones that provide guarantees for their products (aka don’t buy cheapo ones from Aldi as, like with a lot of tech, you get what you pay for, and buying cheap means there’s no guarantee it’ll actually do anything).
We resell APC and PowerShield ourselves. APC has been in the industry for 40 years and is part of Schneider Electric – which is one of the largest electrical industry companies in the world. PowerShield was started in 2000 and is an Australian company, focused on building their products for the Australian environment.